
Hopeless Does Not Belong in Your Office

I recently shared in my newsletter an amazing interaction I had in my office.  Owen is a brilliant,sensitive young man who was playing a card game with me which looked at various emotions and the last time you had felt that emotion.  Owen turned over a card that said "Hopeless" and he immediately said, "Oh, no, No way. This card does not belong in your office! Only Hope belongs here.  I am taking this card home with me today."  Owen did take the card home and he burned the hopeless card in his firepit that night and sent me the picture to confirm its destruction.  As the Hopeless card began to burn, it burned just to the point where only the word HOPE was left.  Now, that is a story to tell for Journey to Hope. Thanks, Owen, for allowing us to tell your story and share the pictures of HOPELESSNESS to HOPE. Blessings, Susie

Owen with the Hopeless Card

Owen with the Hopeless Card

Only Hope Remains!

Only Hope Remains!